ART DECO (1910-1930)

Art Deco (1910-1930)
Art Deco characteristics are easily distinguishable. We usually recognize Art Deco designs and objects intuitively, once we see them, but when it comes to the definition of this visual arts style, things tend to be a little more complicated. First of all, there are different national variants of Art Deco and the Art Deco style itself is often described as a pastiche of styles and an eclectic combination of influences, materials, and shapes. Therefore, it is sometimes hard to distinguish Art Deco from similar schools like Art Nouveau, Art Moderne, Bauhaus school, or Arts and Crafts movement. However, there are certain characteristics that can help us decide whether we are looking at Art Deco artworks and in the next couple of paragraphs, we will try to establish those essential and typical features of Art Deco, exploring the characteristics of this decorative style in its various forms, from visual arts and Art Deco paintings to design and architecture.
Art Deco was revitalized during the sixties and the rise of the consumerist culture. Due to its global visual language and its nature that responds well to the requirements of the mass production, the heritage of this decorative style is still present today, mostly in the field of fashion, product and industrial design. Art Deco paintings and items are also becoming increasingly popular in the art market and this newly found appreciation for the movement lead to the establishment of many Art Deco foundations which continue to work on the restoration and preservation of architectural monuments built at the Art Deco golden ages.